Wednesday, October 3, 2018

16) October 3, 2018

  1. Welcome
  2. Create a new blog post.
    1. Name it 16) October 3, 2018.
  3. Check your grade!
    1. Open PowerSchool
    2. Get Starbursts!
  4. Daily Write--Girl, Interrupted
    1. Why did Susanna and Lisa react so differently?
    2. Why did Valerie tell her to talk about it or write about it and why did she tell Susanna "not to drop anchor?"
    3. Why did Lisa take Susanna’s notebook and why did she go off on Susanna?
    4. How did Valerie say good bye?
    5. What was Susanna’s final diagnosis and how did Susanna view the girls in Claymoore?
    6. Do you think Lisa ever got out and visited Susanna?
    7. How did you like the movie and why?
  5. Hidden Brain?
    1. Padlet Sign Up
  6. Question Your Answers
    1. How do you know what you know?
  7. Daily Closing
    1. What did you learn?
    2. How did you learn it? (What did we do and what got you to understand it?)
    3. How does it or will it affect you?
    4. How can you use it?

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