Friday, August 31, 2018

05) August 31, 2018

  1. Welcome
  2. Create a new blog post.
    1. Name it 05) August 31, 2018.
  3. Check Your Grade
  4. Movie Permission Slip?
    1. Five Points?
  5. Daily Write--We Missed You!
    1. How do you use the We Missed You! Form?
    2. Why do we have the We Missed You! Form?
  6. Daily Write--To Kill A Mockingbird
    1. How did Atticus explain the difference between the Cunninghams’ and the Finchs' poverty?
    2. How was Calpurnia different from everybody else in the first part of the movie?
    3. How did they know all the stories about Boo Radley?
    4. How did Atticus treat Mrs. Dubose compared to how Scout treated her?
    5. How old are the kids and how do you know?  How old do you think Atticus is?  Why?
    6. How did Mr. Ewell describe Tom Robinson?
  7. Question Your Answers
    1. How do you know what you know?
  8. Social Psychology?
    1. Lecture?
    2. Notes
      1. Create a Google Doc
      2. Name it Social Psych Notes, Last, First
      3. Ideas, Examples
      4. Put it in your folder.
  9. Daily Closing
    1. What did you learn?
    2. How did you learn it? (What did we do and what got you to understand it?)
    3. How does it or will it affect you?
    4. How can you use it?

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